<style> html,body{margin:5px 0px 0px 0px;height:100%;font-size:9pt} td { font-family: "宋体"; font-size:9pt} </style> <table width="180" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="dddddd" align=center> <% '以下为ASP中通过该日历算法实现的具体代码 '先判断是否指定了一个年份和月份,没有则根据当前的年和月份显示 If Request("ReqDate")="" then CurrentDate=Date else CurrentDate=Trim(Request("ReqDate")) end if pyear=year(CurrentDate) pmonth=month(CurrentDate) '以下的代码生成日历显示的表格头内容 %> <tr align="LEFT" bgcolor="#dddddd"> <td width="14%" height="19" align="center"> <input type="button" value="<<" onClick="JavaScript:location.href='?ReqDate=<%=DateAdd("m",-1,CurrentDate) %>'"> </td> <td colspan="5" align="center"> <%=pyear%>年<%=pmonth%>月 </td> <td width="14%" align="center"> <input type="button" value=">>" onClick="JavaScript:location.href='?ReqDate=<%=DateAdd("m",1,CurrentDate)%>'"> </td> </tr> <tr align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <td width="14%" height="19"> 日</td> <td width="14%"> 一</td> <td width="14%"> 二</td> <td width="14%"> 三</td> <td width="14%"> 四</td> <td width="14%"> 五</td> <td width="14%"> 六</td> </tr> <tr align=center bgcolor=ffffff height=19> <% '由于ASP中没有获取指定月共有多少天的函数,因此我们需要通过其他算法来获得,算法其实很简单,就是计算一下要显示月份的1日至下个月的1日一共相差几天 fromDate = FormatDateTime(month(CurrentDate) & "/1/" & year(CurrentDate)) toDate = FormatDateTime(DateAdd("m",1,fromDate)) '获得要显示月份的第一天为周几 nunmonthstart=weekday(fromDate)-1 '获得要显示的1日至下个月的1日一共相差几天(月份一共有多少天) nunmonthend=DateDiff("d",fromDate,toDate) '判断显示日历需要用几行表格来显示(每行显示7天) if nunmonthstart+nunmonthend<36 then maxi=36 else maxi=43 end if '循环生成表格并显示 i=1 do while i<maxi iv=i-nunmonthstart if i>nunmonthstart and i<=nunmonthend+nunmonthstart then '如果为显示的是今天则用红色背景显示 if iv=Day(now) and month(now)=pmonth and year(now)=pyear then response.write( "<td align=center bgcolor=ffaaaa><a href='Search.asp?Field=GuestTime&KindID=0&keyword=" &pyear& "-" & pmonth & "-" & iv & "' target=_parent>" & iv & "</a></td>") else response.write( "<td align=center><a href='Search.asp?Field=GuestTime&KindID=0&keyword=" &pyear& "-" & pmonth & "-" & iv & "' target=_parent>" & iv & "</a></td>") end if else response.write( "<td> </td>") end if '如果能被7整除(每行显示7个)则输出一个换行 if i mod 7=0 then response.write( "</tr><tr align=center bgcolor=ffffff height=19>") end if i=i+1 loop %> </table>
If IsDate(Trim(Request("keyword"))) = False Then FoundErr = True ErrMsg = ErrMsg & "<li>" & XmlText("Guest", "ShowAllGuest/Err1", "输入的关键字不是有效日期!") & "</li>" Exit Sub Else If SystemDatabaseType = "SQL" Then sqlGuest = sqlGuest & " and GuestDatetime = '" & Trim(Request("keyword")) & "' " Else sqlGuest = sqlGuest & " and GuestDatetime = #" & Trim(Request("keyword")) & "# " End If End If
If IsDate(Trim(Request("keyword"))) = False Then FoundErr = True ErrMsg = ErrMsg & "<li>" & XmlText("Guest", "ShowAllGuest/Err1", "输入的关键字不是有效日期!") & "</li>" Exit Sub Else If SystemDatabaseType = "SQL" Then '如果数据量不大,用datediff是可以的,否则影响性能就最好用>=和 < ' sqlGuest = sqlGuest & " and GuestDatetime = '" & Trim(Request("keyword")) & "' "
'sqlGuest = sqlGuest & " and GuestDatetime between '" & Trim(Request("keyword")) & " 00:00:00' and '" & Trim(Request("keyword")) & " 23:59:59' " sqlGuest = sqlGuest & " and datediff(day,guestdatetime,'" & Trim(Request("keyword")) & "')=0 " Else 'sqlGuest = sqlGuest & " and GuestDatetime = #" & Trim(Request("keyword")) & "# " sqlGuest = sqlGuest & " and GuestDatetime between #" & Trim(Request("keyword")) & " 00:00:00# and #" & Trim(Request("keyword")) & " 23:59:59# " 'sqlGuest = sqlGuest & " and datediff(day,guestdatetime,'" & Trim(Request("keyword")) & "')=0 " End If End If
<iframe src="calendar.asp" style="width:216px; height:210px;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>