tbName 检测的表的名称
dbTp 数据库的类型1为sql,0为access
Function isTable(tbName,dbTp) dim isTbSql if dbTp="1" then isTbSql="select count(*) as num from sysobjects where id=object_id('"&tbName&"')" dim rs:set rs=conn.execute(isTbSql) if rs("num")>0 then isTable="1" else isTable="0" end if rs.close set rs=nothing else on error resume next dim rs2:set rs2=conn.execute(tbName) if err.number=0 then isTable="1" else isTable="0" end if rs2.close set rs2=nothing end if End Function
tbName 要检测的字段所在的表
colName 要检测的字段
dbTy 数据库类型 1为sql,0为access
Function isCol(tbName,colName,dbTy) dim isColSql if dbTy="1" then isColSql="select count(*) as num from syscolumns where id=object_id('"&tbName&"') and name='"&colName&"'" dim rs:set rs=conn.execute(isColSql) if rs("num")>0 then isCol="1" else isCol="0" end if rs.close set rs=nothing else isColSql="select "&colName&" from "&tbName on error resume next dim rs1:set rs1=conn.execute(isColSql) if err.number=0 then isCol="1" else iscol="0" end if rs1.close set rs1=nothing end if End Function
tbName 表的名称
pkCol 表的第一个字段,此字段必须为你创建表的主键,并且自动编号
Function addTable(byVal tbName,byVal pkCol) Dim TSql if isTable(tbName,dbType)="0" then TSql="Create Table ["&TbName&"]("&pkCol&" int IDENTITY (1,1) CONSTRAINT PrimaryKey PRIMARY KEY);" conn.Execute(TSql) response.Write("表创建成功") else response.Write("要创建的表存在") end if End Function
tbName 表名称
colName 列名称
colType 列的数据类型;如nvarchar(50)
Function addCol(tbName,colName,colType) if isTable(tbName,dbType)="1" and isCol(tbName,colName,dbType)="0" then Dim TSql TSql="Alter Table ["&tbName&"] Add "&colName&" "&colType conn.Execute(TSql) response.Write("列:"&colName&" 创建成功") else response.Write("列:"&colName&" 没有创建,可能表不存在或字段重复") end if End Function
Function delCol(tbName,colName) if isTable(tbName,dbType)="1" and isCol(tbName,colName,dbType)="1" then Dim TSql TSql="Alter Table ["&tbName&"] Drop column "&colName conn.Execute(TSql) response.Write("列: "&colName&" 删除成功") else response.Write("表或者列不存在") end if End Function 使用方法相信就很简单了,看下面的示例:
dim connStr const dbType="1" if dbType="0" then connStr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & server.MapPath("../test.mdb") else connStr="Provider=Sqloledb;User Id=sa;Password=12345a;Initial Catalog=test;Data Source=(local)" end if dim conn:set conn=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection") conn.open connStr '下面的就是例子 addTable "myTb1","mId" 'addCol "myTb1","mCol_1","nvarchar(50)" 'delCol "myTb1","mCol_1" 'response.Write(isCol("myTb1","mCol_1","0")) conn.close set conn=nothing |